Big waves hitting New England
Next few days they are predicting 6 plus foot swells for most of Thursday. I went offshore on Monday, and it was amazing. The pollock came back after skipping out last year, haddock were plump and solid. The only issue were the waves. Some intense currents came by and we were fighting tangles, but no one got upset. I'm always amazed that no one gets upset on these boats.
How was your summer? Stripers were few and far between for many of us in the North East, but the offshore is really heating up again. We even saw bluefish for the first time in 15 years. That's a big deal for Maine, the blues stopped running in 2005-06, and this year they showed up. I'm very hopeful for the future of fishing, but vigilance is key.
Thanks everyone for creating a warm environment, every time I read reports here, I'm reminded of the 70s and early 80s when I spent the summer in Mystic Island. My Nana could NEVER have afforded living there today, but back then, as with many things, it was doable with enough hard work.