Originally Posted by dakota560
Just remember a short fluke in NJ used to be 13.99 inches or less, now it's 17.99 or less for NJ recreational anglers and 18.99 or less for NY, Ct and RI. What are now considered shorts are in fact recreational angler discards. Fish ages 0 - 2 years old fish which used to be the mainstay of both commercial and recreational catch are no longer being harvested yet those age classes have experienced significant declines when they should be showing astronomical growth. Keep that in mind when you make statements of the manner there's no shortage of fluke. Party boats are catching hundreds of shorts which are going back to subsidize commercial landings with maybe a dozen keepers being retained for their patrons. Look at the big picture, this fishery has been regulated to a very tenuous state.
Amen my friend. When will they wake up? When nothing is left to fish for? Doing the same thing year after year with failing results is only a fast road to doom. Their plan has destroyed our fishery and they refuse to make the obvious changes to correct the situation.
It is like putting blinders on a horse that you are taking to the slaughter house, all is good until it is too late!