Re: fiberglass rod cleaner?
You can try cleaning it with soap and water, but I suspect the problem is that the epoxy finish has clouded/yellowed with time and exposure to sunlight.. a common issue with all brands of rod finish, but more noticeable with certain brands.. flex coat being one of the worst offenders.. happens to all finish eventually, but it's way more noticeable on white blanks and light colored thread.. at any rate, there's really no way to reverse the yellowing.. short of stripping/re-finishing.. which pretty much equates to a total re-wrap, as getting off the finish without wrecking the threads is near impossible.. here's before/after pics of finish gone real bad..this had water intrusion as well, so new guides and full re-wrap where in order. fwiw.. automotive wax can help protect rods, and perhaps slow down fading caused by the UV.. but wont reverse the yellowing