Black sea bass
For your information
The recreational harvest limit in 2017 was 4.29 million pounds and the recreational harvest limit in 2018 will be 3.66 million pounds.
These follow the same pattern as the commercial quotas and are slightly higher because the overall allowable black sea bass harvest is split 49% commercial and 51% recreational.
The commercial black sea bass quota in 2017 was 4.12 million pounds in 2017 and the 2018 commercial quota is 3.52 million pounds. The coastwide quota was not exceeded in 2017, so there are no reductions to the 2018 quota, either coastwide or the state specific black sea bass quotas.
I think a lower limit may be in the future. All of the sudden, it was determined that we may have 'over caught' our limit in 2017
Last edited by pectoralfin; 02-27-2018 at 05:01 PM..
Reason: change