Last year when winterizing I used this stuff for the first time. Mixed it in a portable gas tank as per the instructions. Attached to the mix tank behind the priming bulb and ran the motor for at least half hour and never saw any “blue smoke” come out of the motor. I’ve barley ever seen any smoke at all come out of this motor! So I figured I ran enough of the mix into the motor and put the boat to bed for the winter and had zero issues this season.
This year I was a little more thorough, I completely drained the cup and the fuel line back to the bulb. I mixed a fresh tank of this Yami EFI Fogging Oil stuff, attached the tank and primed the mix up into the cup, fired up the motor waiting for blue smoke and still saw nothing. Again, after at least a half hour to 45 mins of run time I shut her down and covered the boat for the winter. I even throttled the motor a few times to see if any bursts of blue smoke would come out but saw nothing.
Has anyone used this stuff to winterize and witnessed the blue smoke? I just hope I’m not missing something and not laying the motor down right for the winter. The motor is 2010 Yami F150