Avet Reels Just Arrived
Thinking about going offshore to get in on some of those Bluefin, Yellowfin, or Mahi....Well you just may need a new Avet reel to put that trophy in the box. We have in stock 30 "s ..and 50 "s and 80"s wide spool two speed reels. Matched with a Star rod , makes for a great offshore combo. Also bent butt rods....80, 100, and 130 lb. Momoi Hollow Core line in stock. A wide selection of baits such as Rigged and unrigged Ballyhoo, Rigged and unrigged Flying Fish, Rigged and unrigged Mullet, and rigged trolling squids....call the shop at 732-787-2248 or stop by....Pete
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East