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Old 02-12-2013, 09:23 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Making your own Sinkers

Hey guys,

Making your sinkers really that much cheap in the long run. I feel lead is going up in price. I know you need melting put a molder. But my question is it that much cheaper. My buddy makes his then sells them to bait am tackle shops that's why I was wondering if its just cheaper to make them your selfs.
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:00 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

If or after you have the molds and equipment it's a duh! , wouldn't do it any way else now!!!
Adam W
20'cc hydra sport-Bad Habit
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Some of the molds out there are highly expensive, and unless you have a good supplier for the lead, might not be worth it. Check out Sam on here, can't beat his prices and availability. Just picked up another order of large sizes for Seabassing. If you can find the molds to the sinkers you want for the cheap and have access to lead then maybe its worth it.
Dicks sells sinkers for like 30cents an ounce, where as Sam is sells for .12 and ships them to you.
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:17 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by MrAC1980
Some of the molds out there are highly expensive, and unless you have a good supplier for the lead, might not be worth it. Check out Sam on here, can't beat his prices and availability. Just picked up another order of large sizes for Seabassing. If you can find the molds to the sinkers you want for the cheap and have access to lead then maybe its worth it.
Dicks sells sinkers for like 30cents an ounce, where as Sam is sells for .12 and ships them to you.
That's why I wanted to ask I don't know much about the lead. I know my buddy is good friends with a plumber and he gets it from him. Thanks ill have to do business with Sam.
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

I melt all of my weight. When I was in college melted thousands and thousands of pounds for non sponsor boats in NJ and MA so was fortunate enough to pay for all the molds in less than a few hundred pounds. I get all my lead for free from tire shops and build good relationships with them. Most of the guys would really hook it up for a nice oily bluefish (which I do not eat but catch a ton of in the summer) in exchange for a bucket full of lead. The largest expense will be your initial investment of molds and burner and pot. I have a large propane burner and 150# capacity pot. But you should be ok with something much smaller.
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Old 02-12-2013, 11:02 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

I'll have to go around and ask cause if you get it for free you could make a great profit selling it to boats.
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Old 02-12-2013, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by kirchoff
I'll have to go around and ask cause if you get it for free you could make a great profit selling it to boats.
When I was in college was much easier to get lead. Now most tire shops have agreements with recycling and battery companies who come and take the lead weights from them so i lost about 50% of suppliers. But you can still get some by building a good repor and sometimes asking if they eat fish helps out that's where the bluefish and mackerel come in handy!
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Old 02-13-2013, 09:41 AM
frugalfisherman frugalfisherman is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by kirchoff
Hey guys,

Making your sinkers really that much cheap in the long run. I feel lead is going up in price. I know you need melting put a molder. But my question is it that much cheaper. My buddy makes his then sells them to bait am tackle shops that's why I was wondering if its just cheaper to make them your selfs.
All depends on how much $ you can get lead for.
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Old 02-13-2013, 04:46 PM
Fishin Dude Fishin Dude is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

I personally prefer to get them from Sam or a few of the other guys that do the flea market circuit for .12 oz. rather then deal with the hassle of supplies, lead, and the toxic fumes.
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Old 02-13-2013, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by Fishin Dude
I personally prefer to get them from Sam or a few of the other guys that do the flea market circuit for .12 oz. rather then deal with the hassle of supplies, lead, and the toxic fumes.
My Son and I have supplied for one of the Sponsor Boats and for a large Outdoor store . If you don't have the lead supply or the time/money to invest then just go with Sam . My Son sold his business when the lead started to dry up but the orders didn't . Running larger sized sinkers takes a lot of time . Skimming/ingoting dirty lead is nasty dangerous work . We ran 2 Lee pots and a one burner and a 25lb caldron. If you didn't ingot your lead before you fed it into the Lee's they would clog/keep running if you didn't scrape the slag/ash off the sides . Leave it to the experts . Your life is worth more than saving a few cents on your sinkers . Sam has the cleanist lead on the market and is great with deadlines .
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