Round Valley Update
It looks like we have to wait yet to get water back in Round Valley. I made an inquiry last week with the NJ Water Supply Authority and here is the latest.
I am reaching out regarding your inquiry through the Round Valley Project Website. I hope the following helps to answer your questions:
As you may know, the reservoir's water surface was lowered by 25 feet below normal pool for the rehabilitation project. This was part of the engineer's design, and the reservoir must remain at or below this level until construction is complete. Over this past summer, water supply demands resulted in reservoir levels being lowered an additional 7-8 feet. The NJ Water Supply Authority is currently pumping to refill the reservoir to the construction pool elevation, with the goal of achieving that level by the start of summer. Pumping to refill the reservoir above the construction pool can only commence after the embankments have been backfilled to their normal elevation. The Contractor's current schedule anticipates completion of that work by the end of 2023. Once pumping begins to refill the reservoir above the construction pool, it may take 1-3 years to reach normal pool. Please note that the ability to pump is dependent upon adequate flow conditions in the river, and as such, pumping schedules are subject to variability.
Crazy is the new Normal