Originally Posted by Down The Hatch
I have been fishing at the Jersey shore for over 40 years, and the more I do it, the less I find that I know. I saw information about Swim Shads and Finn-S Lures. I've seen them, but for the life of me I don't know how to fish them. They seem so light to be able to get them down to where the fish are. Any suggestions?
The great thing about both those lures is that its hard to fish them wrong... Typically they are used on a plain jig head with appropriate hook size, and weight.. The head need not even be painted They can be vertically jigged, slow or fast. They can be cast and retrieved with sweeps of the rod, again fast or slow, deep shallow or in the middle of the water column, depending on the species, how aggressive they are and what they are feeding on.
They can be used with another type of lure as a teaser, they can be drop shotted, or they can be fished weightless on light line in shallow water.. Over the years I can't begin to explain how many fish I have caught with the plastic lure laying on bottom, with NO movement... Often fish pick them up right off bottom... Swim Shads have more "built in" action than a FinS type lure, but to be honest, I catch equally on both types.. Caught everything from Blues, weaks, Fluke,Stripers to Bullheads, Carp, Salmon and Walleyes, and sunnies on them... bob