Tuna Trip
Left dock at 3am, a slow move til sunlight.. then we hit it and were at the grounds at 6:30am. We started a troll but a dense fog came in and slowed us up. Hour or two later the fog lifted and we were now on the troll. Of course we were in the opposite site of the fleet and as soon as we saw them we trolled over. On the way we got our first tuna around 10:30am, second fish was at 11am. We caught two, most had one or none. We were lucky because there was no reading to say we were in them. 1:30pm we headed back and at dock around 4pm.
It was a good day. One of the guys I had on the open boat had done a lot of tuna fishing before and was a great help and he seemed to really enjoy that I let him be part of the crew and not just the guy that was going to lay back and get a rod handed to him. If you get to read this Greg, thanks for your help and you are welcome any time.
Last edited by Joey Tomato; 06-26-2017 at 02:42 PM..