06-12-2016, 06:53 AM
Site Sponsor
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,820
BOUNTY HUNTER-We got 1 for the Dave Fleming Charter, 6/11
Capt. Paul had the Dave Fleming charter on board today. Along with Dave were Matt, Andrew, Johnathon, David & Jan. Paul ran north today and as expected we found ourselves in a fleet of boats. We put out our trolling gear and had our first bump and miss within several minutes. It took a while before we missed our second fish. We finally go one hooked up which we quickly lost after a brief encounter. Our 4th Bass turned out to be a charm as it was hooked well, was handled perfectly and was in the boat after a brief battle. It turned out to be a beauty as it measured 50" and tipped the scale at 48 lbs. Being Spawned out and having an empty stomach kept her from being a 50lb. Bass. By late morning the south wind came on with gusts of 25 knots and that ended the fishing for us   