Sunday Raritan Bay
FINALLY got out for a quick shakedown cruise yesterday, with the "usual suspects" Hart Attack Larry, nephew Pete and (now) Dr. Andrew. With the lack of any cohesive intel, I just tried at some of my early season go-to spots. Apparently the fish knew that I was coming. Tried the mid- Reach, a little time on the flats, and up in Sandy Hook Bay amongst the fleet. All spots yielded the same results- nothing. A few shorts, a skate, and that was it. Bait was as effective as bucktails at not catching today.
We were back to the dock around noon to get home in time for an epic Memorial Day BBQ. On a positive note, the boat ran well and we had some good laughs. This crew is like a well-oiled machine.
And, a giant Thank You to the brave people who fought and died so that a few knuckleheads like us can go out and enjoy a day of fishing, have a BBQ, and do whatever else we want in a free country.
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long, strange trip it's been."