As I got in the car Saturday night, and prepared myself for the 5 he drive I thought to myself "we better catch some f***ing fish. With the reports heating up down south, and it being my cousins birthday I couldn't think of a better opportunity to have some fun with my cousins and uncle. Not to mention the two fish per man limit at 20"

. Got to the marina at 4am and we then towed the boat for another hour to Pointlookout, the spot they are catching a ton of fish. Put the boat in the water, started running and within 10min we were in the swarm of bird picking away at fish. These southern boys kept talking and talking a big game, but that all changed once I broke out the storm swim shad. Hey I tried to tell em, but they didn't want to listen. Anyway, we must have caught over 50-60 fish the biggest landed about 30". And yes I'm still killing myself for dropping that fish that had to be over 40" - who swallowed my non-moving shad while I was netting another fish. After about 10 minutes into the fight on my light tackle spinning gear, he spit the hook. I'm still feeling depressed. We got back, cleaned the fish, and I hopped in the car and did the the 5 hour drive while smacking myself in the face trying to stay awake. All in all it was one of the best days of fishing I've had in a long time.
- Nate