Just pulled down 4 Calstar 50-120's Aftco BIG FOOT guides, Steel Blue.Cobalt/Gold wraps! Beautiful ! Canyon ready For 50's, 70's, or 80's.
Perfect for Big Eyes.
4- Fish poison 50-120's 6 brace ceramics Alps tops for 50's or 70's.
not a better offshore rod on the planet!

Hey Skipper, does that include the 7 seas as well?

That's right,, any fish anywhere!!!

what happens if I hook a swordfish?

perhaps you can start making funeral arrangements for him, because he wont be swimming too good after he gets hooked by one of these bad boys!
Gaffs- the best offshore gaffs on the market= FISH POISON.
Dredge rods- Best quality/best prices.