Prowler5 - May 30th Fluke and 3:30-9:00 Sat./Sun. Report
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I have the boat out today with Alex and Brian. This gentleman caught two nice keepers on our first drift. It's a beautiful day out on the fluke grounds again. The weather for our bass and blues trip 3:30 to 9:00 looks beautiful for tonight and they are catching the blues again. Big Blues. We'll be fishing close to our dock. Also tomorrow's 3:30 trip for Sunday is a no go with the lightning storms and east winds. That goes for Monday and Tuesday also. Thank You.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 05-30-2015 at 09:59 PM..