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Old 04-06-2015, 03:22 PM
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
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Default Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

I have to write this because it’s been bothering me for the last 10 years and now I have the forum to expose this so no one else gets caught in this.

If you follow Rt. 46 West into Hackettstown, past where the old County Line Sport Shop used to be, cross over the Musky ( river ) and head straight about ½ mile you will come to a light.

This is called “The Four Corners” in Hackettstown. At the light, you can make a hard right which will take you past the Hackettstown hospital and to Stephens State Park. If you make a right and follow 46 you’ll be heading thru town, if you make a left you’ll head the other way ( 4 directions, “ 4 corners” ).

Anyway, at this juncture, there is a bank on the right hand side of the road & a gas station on the left side if heading on 46 West.
Now cutting thru the bank in the early am heading to the Musky isn’t an issue, it’s coming back if heading back on 46 East that’s the problem.

The light at the 4 Corners is long and backs up the traffic . So I took the shortcut thru the bank parking lot back to 46 East.

The donut squad ( Hackettstown PD ) has a car sitting right at the 4 corners in a business parking lot which the drivers can’t see but THEY CAN SEE IF YOU CUT THROUGH either the bank or gas station lot to get back to 46 East.

And the HPD, and I’m being EXTERMELY POLITE HERE, are not the nicest police. I want to use a few choice expletives to describe them, but use your imagination…..

I got caught back in 2005 and when I went to court out there, there were, literally, over 100 PEOPLE THERE WITH THE SAME TICKET – a lot of people were 1st offenders, like me, and the judge just didn’t want to hear it – and by the way, he wasn’t very friendly either ( insert choice expletive here ) - can we say cha ching $$$$ - that’s a lotta donuts…..

My ticket was $100.00, an expensive fishin’ trip to the Musky.

So I choose to EXPOSE THIS TRAP to my fellow fishermen, tell everyone far and wide so everyone knows !

And if anyone from the HPD reads this, SHAME ON YOU for doing this to the hard working tax payers in NJ who pay your salary…..

Donnie Brasco out.
Old 04-06-2015, 03:55 PM
Walleyed Walleyed is offline
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Donnie....It's hardly a "trap". This is merely means you did not follow established state law.

The NJ law N.J.S.A. 39:4-66.2 Which prohibits driving on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal provides: “Except for emergency vehicles and motor vehicles being operated at the direction of a law enforcement officer, no person shall drive a motor vehicle on public property, except public roads or highways, or private property, with or without the permission of the owner, for the purpose of avoiding a traffic control signal or sign.”

I'm sorry that your time is so important that you feel you have the need and the right to disregard the law and disrespect private property.

The Hackettstown PD is a professional organization that serves our community well. While I'm not a officer or a public employee, I find your derogatory comments to be offensive.

You were in the wrong, you broke the law, you got caught and you paid the ticket.

Quit whining.
Old 04-06-2015, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

what trap? sounds to me like a guy who got what he deserved for cutting through private property to avoid a light (which everybody knows you can't do)
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Old 04-06-2015, 04:43 PM
saltfisherman saltfisherman is offline
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Was the time saved by cutting thru the lot plus the ticket stop equal waiting for a traffic light?? Or shorter/longer?? So much for time saved.

I know the corner well and yes as quick as the light may be to turn red it's not long of a wait to turn green. You are dealing with 4 separate lanes of different direction traffic feeding thru that light.
Old 04-06-2015, 05:08 PM
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

I got a ticket for the same thing in a different area, cut through a parking lot to get from one side of rt 23 to the other while avoiding the jug handle and traffic light. You and I took a shortcut to avoid a traffic light, its against the law and while you may not like it the cop did nothing wrong. I 'm sure you speed all the time, so do I. You take your chances when you speed, if you got caught speeding would you complain? You broke the law, you got caught..........
Old 04-06-2015, 08:36 PM
Heronimo42 Heronimo42 is offline
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Thank you to the HPD for doing your job. Nothing ticks me off more than when I'm sitting at a light or in a turnoff lane in traffic and someone cuts thru a parking lot or gas station to avoid the light or cuts in front of me and everyone else by crossing over a solid line to avoid traffic. Ticket them, make them stand in line at the grocery store holding a place for elderly people, make them do community service by painting lines on the highway using their toothbrushes, etc. That is all.
Old 04-06-2015, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Lol....this is just too funny of a post.
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Old 04-06-2015, 09:20 PM
Walleyed Walleyed is offline
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

I'm still wondering about Donnie's mental stability if this still bothering him 10 years later.
Old 04-06-2015, 11:31 PM
Cuz Cuz is offline
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Did you catch any fish that day? This a fishing post. Not a PD rat out forum. I know a good shrink so you wouldn't be upset for another ten years of your life! He's right near the 4 way in Hackettstown across from the bank and gas station. Parking is free right next to the police vehicle. Bring the poor man who's doing his job a coffee and donut! LMAO

Last edited by Cuz; 04-06-2015 at 11:34 PM..
Old 04-07-2015, 06:15 AM
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Default Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !

Hardly worth the time but can we move it to non-fishing now?
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