Order Your Bait for the Weekend
Thinking of giving it a shot this weekend? Maybe trying for Bass or Flounder? Are you going to need bait ? ...Call the shop and reserve your bait today ....Some fish have been caught in the Cliffwood area , and with the temperature rising , the fish should start to be in the shallows ....I remember last year, fish were caught in the vicinity of the triangle....We were actually fishing in 8-12 feet of water .....It is time to take the cob webs off the gear and head out .......whether you are fishing from a boat or the shoreline ...sure beats trying to catch them from the couch....So get off your butt and put a line in the water ......Pete.....732-787-2248
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East