GAMBLER --Nite Wreckin'
Our night wreck trip on Friday was slow on the ling but terrific for the squid fishing. The guys that tried for squid landed 40 or 50! Nice sized squids, too. I have stocked some squid jigs on the boat for this Thursday and Friday nights. But if you want to pick some up, visit your tackle shop and ask for 3 inch or smaller squid jigs, un-weighted. Best method: with a smaller spin set-up, cast squid jig just beyond the lights and gently jig and retrieve the lure back to the boat. When the squid approach (at times, a whole school of them) jerk it away; this will trigger an attack response. The cool thing about this kind of squid fishing is that you can actually watch the whole pursuit. Watch out for the ink spray --can be messy!
If you want to stick with the ling and flounder, rig one or two hooks so that the leader hangs well below the sinker. Use smaller hooks, like 2/0 or less, and don't use big baits. Just ask and the mates will be happy cut the baits to the size you need. There is always a chance to get cod too but, again, you really don't need a big hunk of clam. Catching a cod is more about being in the right spot at gthe right time.