Re: Don't forget to get your 2014 license:
Ok, so Andy and I spoke yesterday about this! Not sure how most of you feel, but the number of people I see fishing without a license is seriously on the rise! I have come to know the game warden in Somerset and the park rangers in Hunterdon on a first name basis! Yes, I report anyone I catch without a license! Why, because it's up to all fisherman to be responsible and ensure fish numbers aren't depleted!
Now, if someone refuses to buy a license, well how do they know what fish are spawning, legal species and size, invasive? Too top it off, trout stamp purchases pay for trout stocking!
So the hot tip of the day... There is a smart phone app, called tipsubmit by public engines. It's free to download and use! It allows fisherman to report fish and game violations in real time and actually capture the violations using he camera on you phone. Photos, location, time, description, can all be submitted real time to the proper authority for prompt response!
In 2013 I caught 12 people, some with no license and huge coolers full of fish, bass, trout, bluegills perch, you name it!
Report violations, be good stewards of the waters we love to fish!