Headed out with a large group of interesting folks that fished...we caught
All bluefish today

with a crowd looking for the linesides
My daughter got 3-4 and perhaps out-fished the whole side of the boat.
I was in the stern and managed 6 to the boat. Swinging two in and the rest either gaffed in the mouth-really nice job by the mates and released, or ending up in someone's bag.
Favorite mixed quote from the day from the interesting crowd..."I got one...dude I think you are hooked up with some one on the other side...good, I'll give him a really good fight." and He DID>
FYI... if your barely lifting the jig off the bottom or bouncing it, you will be rewarded with a dogfish or skate...turn the handle. Those practicing the aforementioned practice only caught crap....