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Old 09-25-2013, 11:53 AM
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Default GAMBLER Official Late Report Canyon

It's been tough getting time in the office lately but here is my synopsis of our first canyon trip of the season:

I was excited to hear the radio reports boats returning from the canyon as we were on our way off on the 20th. Most had a decent catch of bigger yellowfin on the chunk that night.

As the Gambler approached the grounds, we saw a tremendous amount of life: Big fin whales, pilot whales and several different species of porpoises put on an awesome show. We started off on a troll, alternating a spread of 11 rods in half-hour shifts. But there were no knock-downs and finally gave it up around dusk.

As I approached the area that had produced the night before, I found a pinnacle of reasons to set-up: A 2 degree temp break, large schools of bait readings and an incredible display of mammal life. We set up a chunking drift in 750ft by 7PM. By midnight we had no bites and the breeze began to come up, so we anchored over a good looking area. At 3AM we had a flurry --out of 9 rods working, seven went off (guys that were taking a rest missed it) 3 big yellows were landed. Throughout the dark, the radio was very quiet. Unfortunately, no more bites. We did some mahi fishing and had some success with those in the 5 to 10lb range. We began to troll by 9AM. We trolled the entire east wall, no knock downs and heard very little taken the whole time we trolled.

I then held the Gambler over a deep water wreck for two passes but we were disappointed with that too.

Anchored up on the flats that afternoon where I had seen fish swirls and bait readings on the way out the previous day. Guys tossed jigs and baits. After a little while, we hooked into, fought and released a 90lb blue marlin that put on a good show and also released a small mako.

The seas were beginning to build and before dark, we made our way off to the west corner of the canyon wall. Party boats DM and SD anchored within 2 miles of us while another two party boats settled on the east wall. Strangely, nothing happened on either side during the night.

Just before day light, Pennsey guy Chuck hooked into a large sword that we fought for almost 2 hours but the fish was lost.

Just an off couple of days? I hope so. Looking forward to this next trip, leaving tomorrow. Still room on up-coming trips.
Captain Bob Bogan
Brand New 90 Foot Party Boat Gambler
Sailing Daily From Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
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Old 09-25-2013, 01:24 PM
tunajoe tunajoe is offline
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Default Re: GAMBLER Official Late Report Canyon

Well, I guess that's why we call is fishing and not catching! Amazing. Life, bait, oh well. We appreciate your detailed report and will see you later in October.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:20 AM
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Ahab123 Ahab123 is offline
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Default Re: GAMBLER Official Late Report Canyon

See ya next Wednesday Bobby.....cant wait.....
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Old 09-26-2013, 09:45 AM
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Default Re: GAMBLER Official Late Report Canyon

thanks for the report Captain.
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