like to support sponsors but have to fish when schedule dictates. hit NS ling boat on Sat. Crazy wind laid down from the morn and it was a gorgeous night on the water. still a bit slippery anchor conditions but I did well. fairly certian I had the high hook with about 17 ling. most had 3-5. I'm finally beginning to get a hang of this fishing thing after 35 years. I got edged out for the pool. Mate said my big one was actaully a white hake - not a typical red hake. I can say that it was absolutely delicious!
crazy thing happened too on the trip. Gulp juice and clam gut had my hands a bit slippery. dropped down and went to bounch by 8oz sinker...outfit slipped out of my hands and my Calcutta/Lami elite set up went into the drink. $400 screw up...I shouted out a nasy obsenity as I was furious at myself for the rookie error. Guy next to me, who I had just met on board, swept his rod in the water and one eye held my rod in place - with the boat rocking a tide moving I thought it was a goner. There was a gaff (thank god!) a few feet away - grabbed it and swung out and worked back to the boat - hooked it right at the reel and rod butt and was able to save it. Never happened to me before. mate said he's seen plenty of rods go over - but never one that got saved. Tried to give the guy next to me some money for beers/dinner and he refused...said he was just glad to help. so a big shout out to Craig from West Chester, PA. Appreciate it pal!! Additionally, I kept the bait out and was rewarded with my big one a minute later.
Karma works....because 3 minutes later Craig pulled up a pig of a ling too. smiles all around after that.