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Sat night Ling....crazy Karma. - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 08-26-2013, 10:40 AM
IrishAngler's Avatar
IrishAngler IrishAngler is offline
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Default Sat night Ling....crazy Karma.

like to support sponsors but have to fish when schedule dictates. hit NS ling boat on Sat. Crazy wind laid down from the morn and it was a gorgeous night on the water. still a bit slippery anchor conditions but I did well. fairly certian I had the high hook with about 17 ling. most had 3-5. I'm finally beginning to get a hang of this fishing thing after 35 years. I got edged out for the pool. Mate said my big one was actaully a white hake - not a typical red hake. I can say that it was absolutely delicious!

crazy thing happened too on the trip. Gulp juice and clam gut had my hands a bit slippery. dropped down and went to bounch by 8oz sinker...outfit slipped out of my hands and my Calcutta/Lami elite set up went into the drink. $400 screw up...I shouted out a nasy obsenity as I was furious at myself for the rookie error. Guy next to me, who I had just met on board, swept his rod in the water and one eye held my rod in place - with the boat rocking a tide moving I thought it was a goner. There was a gaff (thank god!) a few feet away - grabbed it and swung out and worked back to the boat - hooked it right at the reel and rod butt and was able to save it. Never happened to me before. mate said he's seen plenty of rods go over - but never one that got saved. Tried to give the guy next to me some money for beers/dinner and he refused...said he was just glad to help. so a big shout out to Craig from West Chester, PA. Appreciate it pal!! Additionally, I kept the bait out and was rewarded with my big one a minute later.

Karma works....because 3 minutes later Craig pulled up a pig of a ling too. smiles all around after that.

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Old 08-26-2013, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: Sat night Ling....crazy Karma.

That is awesome! I'm glad you got your set up back. Tip my hat to Craig! Good going with being High Hook.
Jay Santiago

"For the rich there is therapy for the rest of us there is fishing"

"A bad day of fishing turns into a good day of drinking" ����
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