Banner big bow day
Fished a couple of NJ streams today lucky I did! Great conditions water temp perfect .
Seven nice bows today , smallest 16" bright male, biggest 241/2 " male . All pinheads in between 19" 181/2 21" 18" & 17"'.
The big Male guesstimate at about 6# .
Leaves no problem rain sunk em'. Fished from noon till dark , p
e excellent good flow for lure Fishing!
There's some really nice fish out there , larger than previous falls, he'll
There just starting to bite, fished this same areas last week only a couple of fish!!
Could be a banner fall , I gotta another 10 degrees of water temp before lure fishing gets tougher! All released in great shape!!
Gotta go back later this week like tommorrow if my neighbor can't go walleye fishing!
Last edited by Capt. Lou; 10-23-2012 at 09:50 PM..