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Old 09-03-2012, 10:24 AM
JerseyCoast JerseyCoast is offline
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Default Time to brag... 1st -2nd-3rd place on our lures!

Sorry.......but you have to sit through it.....or, leave now....

I have been in the debate for a while now, regarding the offshore lures I make. Many guys say they are too small, because all they see are the ones in the magazines, manufactured in a factory somewhere....

This past week, our lures swept the tuna category in the MRMTC 32nd Offshore Open, here in NJ.

Monster Mini Spreader Bar - 1st 217# Bigeye
Mini Daisy Chain - 2nd - 212# Bigeye
Tuna Witch - 3rd ( tie) - 198# Bigeye

Also had several fish caught that did not place in the 150# class, as well as yellowfin up to 86#

I have spent many days on the water, running different combinations, to see what really does raise fish and why. With our local bait being sandeels, sardines, anchovies, etc.... the huge lures never made much sense to me. Sure, these fish will crush bluefish, other tuna, etc.... but the primary bait is much smaller.

Heres my theory....
Bigger is not always better. More of a small thing will produce. Lighter line offers a better action. The combination of these things, has been catching fish for us when other guys get nothing. Until now, its been limited to my customers, but we finally got them out to outsiders and the results speak for themselves. We swept the board.

I use more lures than many are used to seeing, along with different sizes & weights. This offers a more lifelike presentation, while creating a better action, because of the different sizes. It was a great feeling to see the pics, the stories, the proof that our stuff can hang with the big boys and catch some money fish.

I knew it all along.......now we finally proved it.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:32 AM
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I'll vouch for that, and I'm glad I live so far as to not be at your shop as frequently as I would if you were closer: I'd be living check to check
Thanks guys!
Adam W
20'cc hydra sport-Bad Habit
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:42 AM
Kevin Bogan Kevin Bogan is offline
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Default Re: Time to brag... 1st -2nd-3rd place on our lures!

Tom, the point is is that you figured it out. No one, anywhere spends as much time as you developing spreader bars, daisy chains amd other offshore lures. They are simply the best, no one else comes close.
but skipper, if everyone keeps using Jersey Coast spreader bars, there wont be any fish left out in the ocean!!!!
well, then,., there wont be any fish left!
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Old 09-03-2012, 06:08 PM
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Tom Congrats I have seen your rigs and they are as deadly as they look, you proved it.
Richie Dynes
I only fish on days that end in Y

I marched 3/21/2012
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