What's with the bassitude?
Went out the other nite just to have a little fun. Small canoe , one ultralite setup and a couple lures. Lake is known more for pics then bass and pics were what I was targeting. Was there ten mins when a guy in a yak asks me if I got anything yet. Tell him no then almost immed catch a 3 pound pic. Nice fish on ultrlite. Hold it up for him to see and he starts goin on about how its only a pic and arent I catchin any bass. Meanwhile hes throwin the hell out of a spinner bait and not catchin anything. 3 MINS later I catch a 2 1/2 pd pic. 5 mins later a 2 1/2 pd lmb. Made sure I held that one up high enough. Come on people its only fishing. Heck its so easy even a caveman can do it. And they did, thousands of years before us.