Hit Rainbow today. We got on the water at 10:45 pm. It was way windier than forcasted. We had tough fishing for the first 2 hours, we were about to leave when it turned. For the next 2 1/2 hours for we had good to excellant fishing. We had mostly crappies with pickeral, perch, and sunfish mixed in. Not even one bass today though
. Crankbaits only produced crappies and sunfish and Senkos only produced pickeral and a few missed bites. First time in 2 months of using them I did not pick up a bass on Senkos. We got off the lake at 3:15 pm. We ended up with 40-50 crappies,pickeral,perch, and sunfish(lost count today for the first time in years). Big fish was a 3 lb. pickeral. Most of the fish were very fat and thick, defintely preparing for the winter. Overall, a good day of fishing despite the complete lack of bass.