Merrill Creek Reservoir 8/18
Hit Merrill Creek today as there was a lesser chance of thunderstorms with the same chance of all day cloud cover. We got on the water at 6:15 am. There was a light on and off rain and cloud cover for the first 3 hours. The wind was calm for the first 1 hour then it blew hard for the next 2 hours. During this time we had decent fishing. However, after the wind died down, the sun came out and killed the fishing. We worked the rest of the lake back to the boat ramp. We got off the lake at 12:15 pm. In that time, we caught 29 bass, panfish, and pickeral. No smallmouth, no rockbass, and only one pickeral. Was suprised at the abscence of smallies and rock bass(especially the rock bass). Was a 1/2 and 1/2 mix of bass and panfish. A variety of lures worked today. The surface temp was 75 when they last checked it. A good day of fishing on MCR, especially for mid August.