Musky today was solid and NO ONE WUZ FISHIN!!!
I mean, seriously......its so damned amazing to park at the trestle at 9:45am on a weekend and have one other car there (my friend who hates when I burn spots: Chris!), and a river that was in great shape....Chris worked one side of the road and I worked downstream...we both caught plump brownies for an hour or so. I was nailing them on bronze phoebes, and Chris was doing it on dry flies....
after an hour or so I said, "lets try the Mill"...
drove over and saw 2 other people fishing....nudged a bit upstream and nailed 2 more brownies on a purple-back yozuri....14" fish that fought like 20" fish....missed many more. They didnt want meat or eggs today; it had to be shiny or fake.....
Final stop at the Capoloong and it switched to rainbows on yellow panther martin 1/16th's.....
nice day...not much in the way of rain...plenty of fish to catch...
AND NO CROWDS WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!! (or fishermen)
Capt. JJ