We took that long ride like I said we would and we had a fantastic trip with lots of limits on the boat today. Big Joe, Big Al fishing the bow along with TK, Carl and Bill had their limit with nice keeper fluke on the first drift of the morning. We had fluke flying over the rail all day non-stop today with some big sea bass and porgies in the mix as well. We'll have good conditions to fish this area tomorrow, Sat. and Sun. as told to you in my last report. The ocean was flat calm today and the water was gin clear. We even saw some bluefin tuna swimming around the boat today along with some dolphins. It was definitely a top 10 weather day to be fishing. Capt. Jack will be at the helm tomorrow, (Friday) Saturday and Sunday. Capt. George is going to go along for some fluke fishing tomorrow if you'd like to see him. Hats off to the crew today, they were busting their tails all day. We look forward to seeing you at the dock. The fare is $90, $5 pool for biggest fluke. We sail 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 03-08-2023 at 06:30 AM..
Reason: correcting info