Hey gang, we had T.K.'s group out yesterday (Monday) with around 30 people. It was a slow day fishing. We only landed 6 or 7 keeper fluke with shorts in the mix. Today at 10:45 it's the same with a couple of keepers so far. We have a very light crowd of 9 anglers today, but there is a nice, cool breeze out on the water. Even though the heat is stifling at the dock. I'll give another report Thursday after the wreck trip. I'll see you guys in the morning at the dock. Capt. Jack will be at the helm again on Sun. and Mon. the galley up and running. Come on down and lets do some fishing. Thanks. Capt. Scott
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 10-13-2021 at 09:01 PM..