FISHERMEN/Sal Lands another 9 Pound Beauty!! Wednesdays Report
Had to work it once again today but we did find action all day!
Several guys with their three by the end of the day including: Eric, Pete, Sam, Sarah and I even got in on the fun landing my three and loosing a beauty at the net!! If Joey's arms were only 6 inches longer!
Highlight of the day goes to Sam who copied his last months Monster at 9 Pounds, 30 inches! Pete also had a great day landing 4 nice keepers with a couple guys catching two.
The short bite the last hour of the day reminded me of the Old Ambrose channel bite when the fish were on their way out. It won't be long now as the 19th quickly approaches.
Two thumbs up to Chef Lou who owns and operates "SAGE" restaurant in Fair-lawn N.J., for the most awesome Ragu & Rigatoni on the planet....The Man is an artist with his food. If you live anywhere near there, you have to check it out, you won't be disappointed!!
Will be at the dock tomorrow in the AM to shape up......
Capt. Ron