FISHERMEN/Very Nice keepers today! Tuesdays Report
Beautiful day out there today. Fished several drops slugging away on shorts and some Quality Keepers.
Gene lead the way with 3 beauties and a bunch of shorts, Henry, John and a couple others had two nice fish up to 3 pounds each by days end.
Alan took the pool with another nice fish at 5 pounds, 10 ounces.
Big Dave Bachovin was our Monthly pool winner for August with a beauty at 9 pounds 7 ounces, good thing cause today he went through some tackle today!
My broken record speech once again for those who aren't listening. PLEASE, bring a Medium to heavy action rod that can handle 8-10 ounces of lead. The current has been tough the past 2 weeks, fresh water Ugly sticks ain't gonna make it, all those crazy combo rigs you have been buying, Throw them in the garbage!! A single 20lb leader, 5/0 bait holder hook with a 6 inch gulp is all you need. Keep it simple and you will catch fish.
Now, let's see what happens tomorrow and NO the Hurricane isn't effecting us (Yet).
Capt. Ron