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Old 02-14-2019, 10:47 AM
mike.latham11 mike.latham11 is offline
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Default New to Jersey

Hello everyone,

My family and I just moved here a little over a year ago and I have been making it a point to try to get out fishing more often. I recently bought a one-man pontoon boat and was wondering if any of you had any advice on fishing Round Valley? I live in Morristown so its only a little over a half hour drive from me. I went out there last Friday and saw one bank fisherman and that was it. The weather was pretty bad so I only stayed out there for a couple of hours with no luck. I have read that the lake is not what it used to be and doesn't fish as well anymore; is there any truth to this? Am I wasting my time out there??

I am open to giving other spots a try too. I grew up fly fishing the rivers and lakes in Northern California for trout, so most of my fishing would be geared more towards this. I do have spinning gear for the lakers though. Obviously I wouldn't expect you guys to give me all your secrets lol, but any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to it warming up a bit and getting out there more.
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Old 02-14-2019, 11:22 AM
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Hookmanski Hookmanski is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

Welcome to the site and the state! Great bunch of guys on here for sure who will be able to give you some advice.

RVR is a tough but rewarding place. Its true that the fishery has suffered, but there are still lots of fish to be caught in there. Lakers, raainbows, smallies, largies, you name it, its probably in there in some capacity. I've done very well there with in the past, catching mostly smallies on a slow falling Ned rig. You have a boat which makes things a lot easier, bank fishing there is quite tough most of the time. I've had decent luck from the bank but a good amount of skunked trips as well.

Morristown is pretty central to the state, you have lots of water that isnt too far away from you. Google maps is your best friend!!
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Old 02-14-2019, 12:09 PM
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Lightbulb Re: New to Jersey

Get familiar with the F&W website. Try to find local chapter meetings by your home like the Sportsman's Federation or Trout Unlimited.

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Old 02-14-2019, 04:21 PM
Flygaff Flygaff is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

Spruce Run is also a good fishery in the area. Trout, Bass, Muskie, Pike, Crappie, Perch. I have done very well there over the years. Boat helps a lot. I have not fished Round Valley in a while. I hear bad things about them lowering the water level another 10 feet. I saw the water company doing a survey there today. The Delaware River is also a great under utilized fishery. And there is always the ocean. Big Dumb Fish
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Old 02-14-2019, 05:16 PM
logs22 logs22 is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

I purchased a small jon boat 3 years back which I store at Spruce Run, it’s a great fishery. While it took me about two years before I started catching with any consistency I now have caught my PB largemouth, smallmouth, Pike, and Hybrid from that lake. I have only fished round valley from the bank and never had much luck. Another nearby lake is Merrill Creek, and while I have never fished there (it’s jusy too easy to fish SR since boat already there) I hear it’s great especially for smallmouth.
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Old 02-15-2019, 01:28 PM
gypsy gypsy is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

Mike, Round Valley is good, try a White Marabou streamer with a little red for gills, caught a lot of trout from shore there. Done well there, best from shore is now. Fish are up and in close
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Old 02-15-2019, 11:07 PM
waynemaxwell waynemaxwell is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

I was there a few months ago and I was amazed at how blue the water was. Pretty place
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:16 AM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

lots great spots in morris co. rockaway river, wippanny river. even some wild trout streams. only problem is lots of pressure on these waters. if you head west and north to sussex and warren counties there are alot more oppertunities. lotsa great rivers up that way. now is the time to do some exporing when the vegitation is at a minimum.
and this one time at band camp.....
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:19 AM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

also, there are alot of private lake clubs in the area. some are open to outside residents. lake parsippany being one of them. look around i'm sure there are others. good luck and tight lines.
and this one time at band camp.....
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Old 02-19-2019, 08:33 AM
mike.latham11 mike.latham11 is offline
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Default Re: New to Jersey

Thanks for all the help guys! I have heard and done some research on most of the places you guys are talking about and from what it looks like, those rivers are fished pretty heavily. I will be giving a few of those other lakes you guys mentioned a try as well, they're all pretty close to me.

I went out to RV on friday 2/15 and the weather was perfect (60 degrees around 1). I saw a lot of bank fisherman later on in the afternoon and only saw 1 other boat, he was leaving as i was getting on the water around 930-10. Got skunked again but this was only my second time there and the water is still pretty cold (surface temp was 34 degrees). I was fishing a few different colored wooly's and leech patterns in about 20-35' of water. I'm thinking of investing in a small trolling motor for the pontoon so I can start hitting some spots on the opposite end of the lake? Either way,hopefully my persistence will pay off soon haha! Once again thanks for all the advice guys, I'll definitely be giving a couple of those flies/other lakes a go.
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