FISHERMEN/ Finally!! Bigger fish on Jigs & Shads today.Tuesdays Report
FISHERMEN/ Finally!! Bigger fish on Jigs & Shads today.Tuesdays Report
To say we have paid our dues so far this season is an understatement!
The bite finally broke out for us this morning with the first Jig fishing of the season. All very nice fish up to a 20 pound Pool Fish caught by Erik Simbard.
Jigs with tails and larger shads were the Hot ticket as the Bass were hungry. Alex Mears had the Hot hand landing 6 beauties, wearing his Luck of the Irish hat. Bite lasted till the end of the tide then turned off. We fished the bait in several area's and only had a couple run offs to show for it. Still read the hell out of them but they wouldn't bite on the out going.
Loads of Bait coming into the bay all day. Can't wait to get back out tomorrow!
Capt. Ron