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Old 10-13-2016, 12:26 AM
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Thumbs down Musconetcong River Trout Fishing - 10/12

Dad and I took a half day at work and went out in search of some trout. Got home around 1pm and met up with dad. We headed down the Saxon falls to see what was going on. There was one guy there that was leaving when we got there. He said he had been there since they stocked and only saw 6 fish caught. Dad and I geared up and got into the ankle deep water. Could see the fish swimming around all over the place. Didnt look like they put to many nets of fish in but there was a few. I tried everything i had in my bag to catch one. NOTHING! Bait then lures. No takers. They would follow a spinner but not take it. Then put on a floating rapala and they followed that but didnt take it. Tried meal worms, butter worms, salmon eggs, power bait and night crawlers with no takers. Dad was fishing the fast water on the far side with no luck so he came to the hole everyone fishes and floats a meal worm down through a pack of em and one grabs it and got the fish. Nothing huge. Nice rainbow. Then nothing for over an hour so we moved to Stevens State Park. Got there and there was a few people fishing and they had no luck either. Could see the fish again but they just would not eat. Called it a day around 5. What a frustrating day. We will give it a try another day. Today just wasnt our day.


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Old 10-13-2016, 12:54 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Musconetcong River Trout Fishing - 10/12

These large trout have built up body fat and will not eat for a few more weeks yet. Unlike the smaller ones that need to feed almost every day, these fish can go weeks without eating. Go out the 1st week of November, you'll see.
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Old 10-13-2016, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: Musconetcong River Trout Fishing - 10/12

did you try a lure? sometimes when they won't eat bait they will instinctively snap at fast moving flashy lures that keep bothering them.
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Old 10-13-2016, 01:59 PM
Humanzee Humanzee is offline
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Default Re: Musconetcong River Trout Fishing - 10/12

look at the bringht side - you got to spend a day with your dad! My Dad lives in FL, and I don't get to see him often. I'd take a week of being skunked to have one day on the river with my Dad again!

I live on the Musconetcong, so spend a fair amount of time fishing there.

I was getting ready to leave for work, when I saw the truck driving down a road, and was thinking "oh yea, today's the breeder stocking day". So I went back inside, cancelled going to work, and made some breakfast. Figured I'd get on the water around 10ish.

As I walked down to the river, there were already about a dozen people there. Went to walk in my usual spot where its ankle deep and saw 6 or 7 fish. So I moved up river, and made my way down to where I saw them. Second cast a chunky little 'bow on a wooly bugger. Downstream a bit I saw 2 elderly gentlemen putting a hurting on the fish. I know the water where they were fishing, and it can't be 10 inches deep. Pops proceeded to pull 4 fish out of there, all roughly 3-4#. All on powerbait.

I walked the river like I always do. Seldom stay in one spot. I landed 2 others (all around 2#) missed a couple, and had several followers.

Called it quits and went home for lunch and do some work. Headed back out around 3 with a buddy, this time with my spinning gear. He had spinning gear as well. Brought him to where I started and where the old fellas were. He proceeded to hook and land 4? or 5? in about 15 minutes. I got nothing.

We walked the river for about an hour or so, and he had a couple more fish, plus a few smallies and one wild brown at about 6" (nice to see that). I managed just one smallie.

All fish released to fight another day.

Sure would like to see some more water. Hope these fish spread out too. I think free fishing day is on the 15th. With no water, you can spot these things from a mile away.
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Old 10-14-2016, 02:14 AM
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Default Re: Musconetcong River Trout Fishing - 10/12

Originally Posted by Chrisper4694 View Post
did you try a lure? sometimes when they won't eat bait they will instinctively snap at fast moving flashy lures that keep bothering them.
Yeah i tried a lure. No luck. It wasnt my day.


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