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jig rigging for tiles please? - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 02-14-2015, 04:21 PM
jjdbike jjdbike is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: West Chester PA
Posts: 124
Default jig rigging for tiles please?

Hi folks
Looking for rigging advice for jigging tiles please.
I got some jigs for tiles but seeing I’ve yet to fish for them, I am unsure how to rig them.

For large Lucana’s style jigs, should they be on a split ring & or swivel?

For large glow hammered diamonds. They have a ring, swivel & siwash hook at terminal end. I know diamonds don’t fish well w/ a swivel on top, but think I’ll put a split ring on top for better movement / action. Should I put a glow octopus skirt on bottom hook? Should I put an assist hook on top of the larger / heavier ones?

For those long thin butterfly / speed / knife style jigs, how should those be rigged? I know they get an assist hook on top on a solid ring above a split ring. May I assume they should be attached to the rig w/ a swivel? I plan on putting a small (2 ½”) glow octopus skirt over a glow bead on the top assist hook. How should I attach the bottom assist hook?

Finally, for tying the jig rigs, I see the bait rigs use 3 way swivels. Would a dropper loop be a safe way to attach a teaser (B2 or Tsumani glow squid) above the jig? How far above jig should the teaser be? Should that hook be on a swivel, say a bead chain swivel? Or, should I get a crimper and crimp on a 3 way swivel and use some tubing to help the teaser line stand off? Having the teaser / rig fowl on the way down would be horrible ¼ mile down. Because some jigs use a swivel and some don’t I’m thinking of a heavy paperclip style clip to attach the jigs on the rings ( as opposed to a snap swivel). Would that be safe? My other idea was to use a spider hitch loop to loop through the jig ring. It’s how we used to tie cod jig rigs. I do think the doubled / looped 80lb mono will hinder the jig’s action as opposed to a clip. Oh yea, would you use 80 or 100lb mono?

Any and all rigging input / advise is greatly appreciated!
Thanks much!
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