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Old 02-12-2013, 06:57 PM
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Default Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Hello Everyone!

I used braided line (sufix 832) on one of my spinner reels last year for the first time. This reel is used for ponds and lakes, with LMB as the primary target. After using it for a season, even though I did have one or two instances of "nesting", I was able to recover, and have enjoyed the benefits of the braided line.

I was planning on putting braid, or even superline like Fireline on the spinning reels I use for stripers, and surf. Now I am familiar with the diameter differences which brings to light my questions:

Reels are built to hold a specific diameter of line, which on mine, are measured against monofilament. So, let's say I have a reel that should have at least 20# on it; the grooves etched in the reel are made to hold that size line. Now should I use a braided line that has the same diameter as the 20# mono so that the grooves work properly, or does it not matter and I could put on much more 20# braid since it it thinner?

Also, what would be the ramifications of say putting 150 yds of mono on the reel, putting a layer of electrical tape, and putting another 100 yds of braid? will it affect the performance of the braid? I for one, have never used the line that low on my spool.

Any tips, feedback are appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Old 02-12-2013, 10:00 PM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Won't matter what size you use, no matter of the grooves. I suggest you "back" the spool with the mono lets say about half way, then use a good knot, then top the spool off with the braid. Reason you do this is so the braid will never slip on the spool. No need for the electrical tape in between. And another tip is unless you dunk the reel/spool a lot in saltwater... You can "flip" the braid on the spool and get a double use out of it. Every other year I take my reel with braid and reel it onto another reel, then onto another reel, and then back onto the original reel, this in turn will give you the fresh braid from the spool back to the top of the reel. Make sense? Hope this helps.
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Thanks for the input MrAC!

Honestly, I wanted to back the spool with mono just to save some money. I figured that half the spool filled with mono would make the braid go twice as far. I happened upon some videos and posts mentioning the electrical tape to keep the braid from digging into the mono, as well as keep it from slipping. I was not sure if I should tie the braid to the mono, or just spool it on top of the mono (and tape).

The tip about flipping the braid is genius! thank you!

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Old 02-13-2013, 09:58 AM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Originally Posted by RJHooker
Thanks for the input MrAC!

Honestly, I wanted to back the spool with mono just to save some money. I figured that half the spool filled with mono would make the braid go twice as far. I happened upon some videos and posts mentioning the electrical tape to keep the braid from digging into the mono, as well as keep it from slipping. I was not sure if I should tie the braid to the mono, or just spool it on top of the mono (and tape).

The tip about flipping the braid is genius! thank you!

While surf fishing I use a rod/reel for casting lures . A 9' rod and 5000 Penn Battle . In the spring 40lb braid and at least 150yds with a 20lb mono backing.This is for casting 2-4 oz lures. Most braids are sold in 150 or 300 yds spools. Bait fishing with bunker or clam I'll use a larger rod/reel a Shimano 6500 baitrunner has served me well for years. There is 300 yds of 50 lb braid plus mono backing on this plus my 10 'Tica .This can throw 4-8oz plus the bait. I primarily fish the sandy beaches of Ocean County and sometimes on the jetties of Monmouth County. These are very reasonably priced . I will use an outfit in the fall with 20lb braid while fishing light for school bass on my 8' tica/Penn Battle 4000.This set up is used in the back bay too . This is strictly for casting small lures like metals and plastic swimmers and needles. It has 150 yds of 20 braid plus mono backing. I tie the braid with an Albright knot that wraps the braid 10 times both ways. I also use a mono leader on the end of the braid tied with the same knot.You will need to learn to tie a braid to mono knot of some kind . I have found over the years (10 or so) that these 3 rods get it done for me. I have others too but you get the idea. The Penn Battles are new but are good value ! Let's hope that the beaches will open in the spring and we can get back to what we love
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Old 02-13-2013, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Some of the new reels claim to be braid ready and can be spooled with all braid but most of the older stuff will require mono backing or the line will spin on the spool while under a load. Penn uses a rubber base on its Battles to make them braid ready. I still use mono backing for filling the spool. You can go to some tackle shops that have bulk spools and fill with all braid if you want . You'll have to guess how much mono backing you'll need on your spool . Once you do that TIE your knot and fill the rest of the spool with braid.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Thanks for your input noworries!

Sounds like some nice setups you have there. Having read your methods will make it a lot easier to feel comfortable with the mono backing.

I guess I was lucky that my braid did not spin under load last year. Then again, I was only throwing 1/4 oz Texas rigs and spinners.

Thanks again!
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Old 02-13-2013, 03:54 PM
njboarder njboarder is offline
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

If you are surf fishing, you probably don't need more than 150yd braid. You can pick up a 150yd spool for cheap.

The way I figure out how much mono backing I need is following.
1. spool with braid
2. Tie on mono backing using uni-uni.
3. Fill the spool with mono backing.
4. Transfer to another spool twice, so that mono will be sitting on top of braid.
5. Spool it back on to the reel.

Good luck.
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Wanted to add two things I was thinking about over the weekend. 1. they sell line counters that you can attach to a rod so if you buy the braid in bulk you don't have to guess how much line you're putting on the reel. 2. if you save your old empty spools, you can jerry rig it to a drill and makes for the line transfers a lot easier.
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Old 02-20-2013, 10:38 AM
JerseyCoast JerseyCoast is offline
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Originally Posted by njboarder
If you are surf fishing, you probably don't need more than 150yd braid. You can pick up a 150yd spool for cheap.

The way I figure out how much mono backing I need is following.
1. spool with braid
2. Tie on mono backing using uni-uni.
3. Fill the spool with mono backing.
4. Transfer to another spool twice, so that mono will be sitting on top of braid.
5. Spool it back on to the reel.

Good luck.

Great advice here. So many people fill their spools up with braid and never use it. Only to strip and toss it after a while. The mono backing is just fine and will not fail you if you tie the knot right. Why waste all that line by filling it with braid??? No need at all. ( this coming from the guy who is supposed to be selling you all that line )
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Old 03-03-2013, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: Semi-New to braided/Superline... Quick question.

Since the braid is smaller u can load it up with 20 or 30 with no issues.. I usually put a backing on it first.. Around 30 - 50 yards of 20# mono.. then using an albright knot since it has such a small profile, pile on the braid..


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