Hit Stone Tavern yesterday evening. Got on the lake at 5:30 pm. We worked the areas of the lake we normally work. We had OK fishing all evening, no blitz of fish at dark however. Unfortunately, our 2 best spots had people fishing on them but as always, we did the right thing and left them alone. We got off the lake at 8:30 am. We caught 11 bass and 1 sunfish. That's 12 fish in 3 hours. My dad had all his fish on topwater and I had all of my fish on Senkos. I tried topwater for a little while but the area we were working at the time was dead. Unfortunately, I lost one of my rods last night

. It was one of my ultralights so if anybody finds a 4' 6" or 4' 8" Shakespeare Stream Seeker please PM me. I think I lost it at the boat ramp because I didn't know I lost it until we were unloading the boat. Overall, a good night on the water with a bitter end.