Sheperds Mills Pond/Clark's Pond 8/17
Hit Sheperds Mills this morning. We got on there late, around 5:45 am. The water which is normally gin clear was stained from all the runoff. This caused the water temp to drop. This made the pickeral more active. Unfortunately, it did not make the fish less wary as the sun seemed to cancel out that effect. We had a very good bite for the first hour but it died after that. We picked 6 more fish in the next 2 hours. We got off the lake at 9:00 am. We caught 20 bass and pickeral. Big fish was a 2 lb. bass. The catch was 2/3 bass and 1/3 pickeral. With the pickeral more active, we headed to Clark's Pond hoping for a mixed bag with toothy critters the main catch.
Got on Clarks Pond at 9:45 am. We worked both in the shallows and out deep. Fishing was decent. It did slow considerably after 1:00 pm. We got off the lake at 2:15 pm. We caught 24 pickeral,perch,bass,crappie, and sunfish there. A good day of fishing.
So in a little under 8 hours, we had 44 fish. Overall, a good day of fishing especially for the middle of August. Don't know where we are going tommorow, but we are probaly going to Merrill Creek on Friday. The water should have cooled off a little, we should have cloud cover and cool weather all day, and the fish should be feeding.