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Old 01-05-2010, 02:02 PM
frugalfisherman frugalfisherman is offline
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Default Sit down for this one

A friend just called and said he read in todays Home News(owned by APP) that the free NOAA registry this year may cost $15-$30 next year.
Old 01-05-2010, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

You seemed surprised.....A foot in the door this year and one in the A** next year!!
Once they have your name and address, the bill will follow.
Old 01-05-2010, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

That's right Ron. It's more like BEND OVER for this one! I'm not paying a single penny. They can drag my ass to jail and I will be giving them the finger all the way!.

Here is our chance. This will be the last straw. We have to do everything to stop it.
Old 01-05-2010, 03:46 PM
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Question Re: Sit down for this one

SOrry, that is not news. We were told that the Federal registry would only be free for the first year. That is why we have to push the state to do something!
All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of any organization I may belong to.

Old 01-05-2010, 04:28 PM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

Originally Posted by Reelron
SOrry, that is not news. We were told that the Federal registry would only be free for the first year. That is why we have to push the state to do something!
Not to diminish the BS factor of the information (because it is BS that they will charge for it) but what Reelron said.

This is REALLY old news and has been public information since the day MSA was reauthorized 3 years ago.
Old 01-05-2010, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

Originally Posted by CaptTB
Not to diminish the BS factor of the information (because it is BS that they will charge for it) but what Reelron said.

This is REALLY old news and has been public information since the day MSA was reauthorized 3 years ago.
This is old news however..... from NOAA Frequently Asked Questions about the Angler Registry


8. Is there a fee to register?

There is no fee to register in 2010. A fee will be required as of January 1, 2011.

9. How much will registration cost in 2011?

The fee for registering in 2011 has not been established yet, but NOAA estimates it will cost between $15 and $25.

10. How will the fee be determined?

According to Federal law, the registration fee will be calculated based on the cost to administer the program. That means that NOAA will look at the total amount of money it takes to run the registry, and divide that by the anticipated number of people registering. In other words, if the program costs $25,000 to operate and 1,000 people were registering, the fee would be $25 per angler.

11. Where will the money go?

Fees collected by the National Saltwater Angler Registry will go to the Federal treasury. They will not be designated for any specific purpose. In the case of anglers who are automatically registered when they buy a state license, money paid to the state will be used for purposes determined by that state. If you have a saltwater fishing license, call your state department of natural resources for more information.
Old 01-05-2010, 05:55 PM
njdiver njdiver is offline
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

There is no ceiling to what we might have to pay:

8. Is there a fee to register?
There is no fee to register in 2010. A fee will be required as of January 1, 2011.

9. How much will registration cost in 2011?
The fee for registering in 2011 has not been established yet, but NOAA estimates it will cost between $15 and $25.

10. How will the fee be determined?
According to Federal law, the registration fee will be calculated based on the cost to administer the program. That means that NOAA will look at the total amount of money it takes to run the registry, and divide that by the anticipated number of people registering. In other words, if the program costs $25,000 to operate and 1,000 people were registering, the fee would be $25 per angler.


Subpart P--Marine Recreational Fisheries of the United States


§ 600.1410 Registry process.

(f) Fees. Effective January 1, 2011, persons registering with NMFS must pay an annual fee. The annual schedule for such fees will be published in the Federal Register. Indigenous people engaging in angling or spear fishing must register, but are not required to pay a fee.


Old 01-06-2010, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: Sit down for this one

I think Indigenous will be replaced with EXTINCT....
Old 01-06-2010, 02:05 PM
Offshoreafflicted Offshoreafflicted is offline
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Angry Re: Sit down for this one

They are forcing US Citizens to register and pay a fee to fish. But we cant search people flying in to the US from countries known to harbor terrorist because that is a violation of our civil liberties. Who put the patients in charge of the Asylum?

I'll see you guys in Washington. Till then I'll be here in NJ clinging to my guns and religion.
Old 01-06-2010, 08:11 PM
Tin Squid Tin Squid is offline
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Angry Re: Sit down (or bend over) for this one!

Originally Posted by Leif
This is old news however..... from NOAA Frequently Asked Questions about the Angler Registry


8. Is there a fee to register?

There is no fee to register in 2010. A fee will be required as of January 1, 2011.

Translate as: We need dough to fight you guys off as you've finally gotten mad at our incompetence with the whole range of saltwater species.

9. How much will registration cost in 2011?

Translate as: It depends how much its going to cost to fight you guys off and still buy Dunkin Donuts by the box every day becuase we (frankly) are a very lazy bunch lof poeple

The fee for registering in 2011 has not been established yet, but NOAA estimates it will cost between $15 and $25.

Translate as: $25.00 minimum because donuts are starting to cost more 10.

How will the fee be determined?

Translate as: We do everything else in a vacuum so we won't tell you

According to Federal law, the registration fee will be calculated based on the cost to administer the program. That means that NOAA will look at the total amount of money it takes to run the registry, and divide that by the anticipated number of people registering. In other words, if the program costs $25,000 to operate and 1,000 people were registering, the fee would be $25 per angler.

11. Where will the money go?

Translate as: Read above

Fees collected by the National Saltwater Angler Registry will go to the Federal treasury. They will not be designated for any specific purpose. In the case of anglers who are automatically registered when they buy a state license, money paid to the state will be used for purposes determined by that state. If you have a saltwater fishing license, call your state department of natural resources for more information.
Translate as: It's our nice way of saying we'll still be buying lots of donuts and we will not allocate any of the money to help things out one bit...pass the boston cremes please!

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