FISHERMEN/Very good First Striper Trip!!
FISHERMEN/Very good First Striper Trip!!
So nice to be back in the Game!!
Had a nice all day bite on some beautiful Striped Bass, nice clean fish and they were hungry.
Live bait was the ticket today as Joe and I were snagging our butts off. Several overs had to go back but everyone still had their keepers and then some.
Bill V and Johnathan S combined for over 20 big fish with Bill taking the pool on a 35 inch fish.
Things you have to have in your tackle Box: A snag for catching Bunkers, 4/0 or 5/0 Circle hooks with a dropper Rig, Large Shad and a Flutter spoon.A nice medium action spinning set up if you are not comfortable with a Conventional set up.
The jigs will work better when the smaller fish start to chew. Please come prepared!
Sailing everyday 7:30am, Open boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90.
See you in the AM,