Status of NJ Charter and Party Boats
Murphy indicated in a press conference earlier in the week that we should have a decision in the next few days on the plan for NJ Party and Charter Boats. Lets hope that we get some good news here for a change.. All involved were pushing in time for the Sea Bass opener but maybe in time for Fluke??
Getting ahead of myself here since this is not a done deal yet. However, as with any business re openings, I'm pretty sure there will be some restrictions tied to it and I think a lot of these businesses will have some of their own rules.
Been a long battle here and hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel... Let's hope it's not a train.. When the time comes, lets all be responsible and not make it any more difficult on these businesses owners then it needs to be.
More to follow....
Gerry Zagorski <><
Founder/Owner of since 1997
Proud Supporter of Heroes on the Water
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area