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Old 01-24-2020, 09:29 PM
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Default Almost another ice tragedy

Joe aka The Hunter

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Old 01-24-2020, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

Lucky guys.

I get that ice fishing has risks, but Murphy stating "no ice is safe ice" is purely asinine. 4" of good ice can hold 100s of pounds per square inch. Simple physics. No politician is a good politician. After the rain tax we'll be hearing about an ice fishing tax once his street brine fund dries up.

People need to educate themselves and deal with the repercussions of a stupid f'n decision. Understand that temp fluctuations like we've had arent conducive to safe ice conditions. Wear a PFD. Wear ice picks. Have ample rope handy. Spud as you go. Invest in friends that'll tell you "it's not a good idea".

Jesus christ...if people just paused for a minute and pulled their heads outta their asses we'd have far fewer statistics.
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Old 01-24-2020, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

Originally Posted by Jigman13 View Post
Lucky guys.

I get that ice fishing has risks, but Murphy stating "no ice is safe ice" is purely asinine. 4" of good ice can hold 100s of pounds per square inch. Simple physics. No politician is a good politician. After the rain tax we'll be hearing about an ice fishing tax once his street brine fund dries up.

People need to educate themselves and deal with the repercussions of a stupid f'n decision. Understand that temp fluctuations like we've had arent conducive to safe ice conditions. Wear a PFD. Wear ice picks. Have ample rope handy. Spud as you go. Invest in friends that'll tell you "it's not a good idea".

Jesus christ...if people just paused for a minute and pulled their heads outta their asses we'd have far fewer statistics.

Very well said
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Old 01-24-2020, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

It was up in the Northern most point.

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Old 01-24-2020, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

I’m betting these incidents involved curious bi-standards. No article I’ve read this past week mentioned Ice fishermen falls through ice. These instances involved curious kids or out of staters that simply wandered onto the ice unfortunately. Can this be prevented? No! I really don’t think so. Not everyone has common sense. Not everyone carries ice picks, rope and a spud bar in there Honda Civic or Toyota Prius. Not everyone is an outdoorsman that enjoys ice fishing. I see it all the time!
“Dude! Look at the ice. Let’s check it out!” And they walk on it, take there selfies! Take pics of each other on the ice. This is so cool, then “CRACK and SPLASH”! We have pedestrians in the water at this location and that location. Uhhhhhggggg! All this nonsense for a selfie! It’s really getting old. I can only hope the others involved are safe now. As for the the deceased! R.I.P. Its a sad day for the families and friends involved.

TIGHT LINEZ and be safe my brothers!!!
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Old 01-25-2020, 09:41 AM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

You can’t fix stupid and you can’t stop crazy!

Reports are that one guy was ice fishing alone and the other 2 were Ringwood police officers who jumped in after him.

The fisherman went into cardiac arrest and taken to the hospital. Nothing on his status

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Old 01-25-2020, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

This is why there needs to be courses or demonstrations about ice and ice safety offered to the public. There are videos on youtube about ice rescues if someone goes through the ice. Look folks you have to have common sense about the ice "IF IN DOUBT DO NOT GO OUT'.. You should always have some sort of safty gear with you if you skate or go icefishing or whatever you want to do on the ice. Anybody that does not have a set of picks on a string that you wear over your neck is just asking for trouble. it does not matter if the ice is 4" or 1' thick you should always have picks on you. they make icefishing suits that help you float just like a PFD (personal flotation devise) will. As pointed out in other posts you can not fix stupid but you can educate someone that just does not know about ice and it's dangers. Jigman pointed out that 4" of ice can support a 200lb person walking carefully on the ice but you still have to pay attention were you are walking. The use of a spud bar is another good way to check the condition of the ice you simply strike the ice as you walk and that will let you know if the ice is solid. What has happened in the last couple of days was tragic may god be with the familys of the people that died or got hurt. Another thing that i want to point out, the photo that is in oelgnal1's post shows the different stages that the ice formed you can clearly see the newer clear ice out from shore and the gray thicker ice near shore you do not go on that newer ice with the weather we have been having a spud bar would have saved this person a lot of trouble.

Last edited by icebadger; 01-25-2020 at 12:13 PM..
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Old 01-25-2020, 05:52 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

Hope all 3 are OK now , and just so sad about the 2 teenagers that died in the other incidents ...

I went through once in a small pond many decades ago. I was maybe 11 or 12.. I was alone, and was ice skating -not fishing... No one else around.. Went through instantly upon hitting a soft spot.. I only went through to about chest level, and had to pretty much break my way back to shore, maybe 75 feet or so.. I am forever thankful to Almighty God that I was able to make it home that day, soaked, filthy, freezing but alive.. Well over 50 years now, and its burned into my mind.. I NEVER went ice fishing in my life. and never tried walking over any ice on any lake, pond or river again.. Go through just once, watch your life flash before you as you struggle to right yourself, and you will understand why I would rather sit in front of the wood stove than go ice fishing.. btw, I always wear my PFD as well in open water on a boat, even in 90 degree weather... bob
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Old 01-25-2020, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

Prayers for his family

Practice CPR. Let 'em Go Let 'em Grow
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Old 01-25-2020, 06:24 PM
Mikey topaz Mikey topaz is offline
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Default Re: Almost another ice tragedy

We see it all the time! Don’t just assume cause you see other people out it’s safe! I was out Friday scoping some spots out I had 4” and one more step away I had 1” one whack with the spud bar and right through, me Eddie and the boyz see it all the time! We spend a good 30/ 45 mins just checking the area out and figuring out what’s safe where to go and where not to... spud !spud !and spud! For the ones that don’t do this are the ones your head about getting them self in trouble.... stay safe guys,
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