Originally Posted by bunker dunker
all are great points but to get the revenue to hold the corporate machine up, we would have to times the amount of fisher peeps by millions.as we stand right now we are shrinking in size every year.davey vs goliath times a million.your talking about bringing honesty back to government??look around the news,they are inditing elected officials all around the country for bribes,kickbacks and abuse of power everyday.i'm not saying to give up the fight but we need a much much better plan.we need law???
For sure . Politics is all about what they can gain for themselves .
People that didn’t make 2 million in their whole careers as a politician , yet are worth 250-300 million didn’t do it by caring about others .
Self gain is the only reason they are there .
But I do feel there are actually more fisherman and boaters than ever , problem is getting them all in the same page .
The 90 percent not catching don’t have the same feelings about what the rest of us do .