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Old 12-01-2024, 09:17 AM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 716
Default Re: Ibsp mobile beach pass

Limiting passes makes it more exclusive, increasing passes makes it more inclusive. Apparently they can't even delineate between the two. Either way, remember that when it comes time to vote for a new governor for 2026 as opposed to our ultra liberal governor who supports sanctuary status, vows to fight deportation of illegal immigrants against the newly elected administration, supports the wind farm / green initiative and like all blue states treats illegals with more respect than the residents of the state. And what has Murphy done lately to fight for recreational anglers. Give us someone like Abbott or Youngkin and none of this crap would be happening. You want to change government politics, vote in people who support your values.

New Jersey ranks 50th, last, in state run government efficiency. For anyone whose had to deal with NJ you know it's an abortion. After draining the swamp in Washington, I hope they set their sites on Trenton because it's an absolute mess costing NJ taxpayers hundreds of millions if not multiple billions in wasted spending ever year.

Damn Yankee, you don't like my post, pm me and we'll duke it out offline.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 12-01-2024 at 09:26 AM..
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