Re: FISHERMEN/Tread lightly Captains.....
Well said Capt...well said.
Enough with the pics of anglers holding these fat females. The paradigm has to shift to word reports for now. Words such as "slaughter, massacre, blood bath" whether true or not doesn't help anyone.
I'm sure most Captain's have their client base set and over the top adjectives aren't doing anyone any good. A word to the wise. Thanks again Ron for the input. Just my 2 cents. (Hi Gerry)
Added 10/25/24
Capt. talk of a moratorium, I wonder if someone will tell the guys in MA that commercially fish for Stripers.
Striped Bass: Fishery is hook and line only; netting, spearing, and snagging striped bass is prohibited. No high-grading or filleting striped bass.
The commercial striped bass fishery opens on the first open fishing day on or after or after June 16; for 2024 this is Tuesday, June 18. Open fishing days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays to start the season and Thursdays may be added on August 1 should 30% or more of the quota remain available. With consecutive open fishing days, commercial fishers may fish overnight tides spanning two open fishing days provided they do not possess or sell more than one limit during any single calendar day.
If an open fishing day falls on the 3rd or 4th of July, the commercial striped bass fishery will be closed. For 2024, this results in Wednesday, July 3 being closed to commercial fishing.
For boat-based permit holders fishing from the vessel named on the permit, the daily limit is 15-fish; for all other activity it is 2-fish. If the annual quota is not taken by November 15, then the fishery closes on November 16.
Commercial fishers may only sell striped bass to primary buyers on open commercial fishing days. Both the primary buyer and the commercial fisher must be present at this transaction. Dropping fish off at an unattended dealer facility is unlawful. Additionally, primary buyers must tag the striped bass upon taking possession of striped bass at primary purchase. Striped bass tags will be distributed to primary buyers in late-May/early-June.
They are allowed to catch Stripers 35" and over up to 15 fish per day. Are you kidding me? Rules and reg's for one state should be followed for ALL states on the east coast. NO?
Last edited by Capt John; 10-25-2024 at 10:54 AM..
Reason: added more info.