Originally Posted by SwankBait
I looked the boat over as soon as I went to pick it up. Walked the entire floor and found no soft spots. I'm not a small guy, 6'3 225lbs., So I definitely would have known. Checked the entire transom and found no concerns. I fixed the bilge pump when I got the boat home. Had to rewire the navigation lights. Then I took it out on the Mullica River on a calm day. She ran great. Wind was working against the tide so there was no drift, but I managed 1 short fluke at the mouth of the river. I guess my main concern is figuring out how to study all the factors that could contribute to a good day inshore vs a bad day. What wind/ tide in combination with swell height and timing for a boat my size.
So only reason I asked the original question was to see where you were at with knowledge of the boat ya just acquired. I'm an absolute nut with maintenance and safety. its an obsession.
So that being said....... only ran out of LEI a few times and dont want to sound like an internet expert captain.West Winds your friend and watch the south winds kicking up in the afternoon.