Originally Posted by Togfather2530
Can I ask if you don’t mind what do you do with those fish especially all those fish. I can’t for the life of me understand who would want to have all those bonito to eat. I have not tried them as of yet, but I understand they are trash. That being said I like bluefish and I do eat them, but I only save so many as I can only eat so much. It looks like a good pile of fertilizer to me. Please inform me how you prepare these fish and how they freeze. Thanks very much.
Really Togfather?? Do you know how those fish were cared for, what they are going to be used for? Is this really any of your business? You need to lighten up my friend!
Just a little humor my friend for anyone who keeps up with prior posts, hope the big guy doesn't boot me or put a hit out on me with his brother

They're pretty big guys!
On a serious note, personally I kept a few and tried them years ago just to see how they tasted. Each side filleted, skinned and broiled with lemon, butter, onions and seasoning and I've also made it into a tuna salad. It's not sushi grade but it wasn't bad at all. Bit stronger taste but there's people who love that. Nice firm fillets. I'm sure there's many people who would find them tasty and for sure on that boat you know they were kept in primo condition.
My question is why are there
ONLY five species of fish on deck, Captain is slipping! Unreal, he keeps it up he's going to have to start filling out a Vessel Trip Report after each trip and calling F&G before docking!