Originally Posted by bulletbob
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a very few folks here might remember one of the great outdoor writers that specialized in salt water fishing. Frank Woolner.
He wrote this once many decades ago,and it made a deep and lasting impression that I never forgot..
"Fishing is supposed to be a contemplative sport,not a competitive sport"..
I have always hated fishing tournaments no matter where they take place.. Up here, the lakes are inundated by hundreds of boats all catching bass that are thrown in a livewell, driven all over a 40 mile long lake at 60 MPH, and then then dumped back into the lake miles from where they were caught, and the day after, there are big dead bass everywhere, and there are tourneys every weekend all spring summer and fall... Tourneys kill thousands of fish that would not have ever been caught...I have never and will never enter one of any kind.... bob
Thanks for noting that, Bob. I do admit that we have always had a pool on board for the biggest fish. Hope that doesn't make me a hypocrite. But the pools are kinda fun and I haven't seen people lose their marbles over it.
I do like fishing lakes and ponds for bass and I really like fishing light tackle for the fight. A lot of times I see the guys winching the bass in, because that's how the pros do it.