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Old 08-05-2024, 03:53 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,737
Default Re: Fluke Stock Theory

Some difference of opinion on the data between you and Capt Dan but well thought out discussions and data.

My question is what would you guys like to do with the data? Broad Bill / Capt Dan.we have discussed this many times but rather than keep posting here what are next steps??????

Arrange a meeting with Council members? Phone call? I could arrange with 1 council member but again it has to be both sides open to each other or call gets shut down.
You guys apply for the open council memberships (2) Open on NJMFC or MAMFC (not sure whats open) etc.

Yes I get that's a dead road to you and many others as NJMFC and last few Governors have been reluctant to appoint ANY applicants from recreational but this has to go farther than these posts to get anywhere.

Shame lack of recreational fishermen support defuncted many recreational known support groups and the Facebook groups that popped up also have accomplished nothing.

Always comes back to many opinions and minimal support by recs so it goes year after year with tons of data and many tons of opinion but in the end its just talk.
How do we move talk to legislation? Have to start in NJ IMHO

Please no one say "lobbyists" as we have had those and no one supported them to the $$ they needed.
RFA-NJ Member
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